With regard to the handling of personal information obtained by this site, this site complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, guidelines and other guidelines concerning the protection of personal information, and other related laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information.
This site shall implement appropriate organizational, physical, personnel, and technical measures to protect personal information, and shall take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information handled by this site and to otherwise safely manage personal information. Compliance with Acquisition, etc. of Personal Information The acquisition, use, and provision of personal information by this site shall be in compliance with the following
This Site may obtain personal information pertaining to users or advertisers from general users of this Site or from those who post advertisements on this Site to the extent necessary for the operation of the Internet-based services managed by this Site.
This site will not use personal information obtained by this site beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use specified below, except as stipulated by law or with the consent of the individual concerned.
This site will not provide personal information obtained with the consent of the individual to any third party without the prior consent of the individual, unless otherwise required by law. In addition, this site will comply with laws and regulations regarding the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or notification of the purpose of use of personal information at the request of the person in question, and will respond appropriately to comments and inquiries.
The purposes of use specified in the preceding paragraph are subject to change.
When entrusting all or part of the handling of personal information to a third party, this site shall thoroughly examine the eligibility of the third party and shall exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the entrusted party to ensure that the entrusted personal information is managed safely.
This site will conduct inspections of the handling of personal information, management systems, and initiatives, and will continuously improve and review them.
This site will delete or dispose of personal information when it is no longer necessary in light of the purpose of use, and such deletion or disposal will be carried out in a necessary and appropriate manner to prevent external loss, etc., to the extent necessary for the performance of our business. Contact person in charge of complaints and consultation This website has established the following contact person in charge and responsible for the handling of personal information.